Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Tips That Will Give You Back Your Bright Smile

Sponsored by Cosmetic Dentist Los Angeles People will notice your smile first, so fix your stained teeth. The good news is that you can whiten your teeth using a wide variety of different methods. Read the following article to get some ideas about teeth whitening. Perhaps you will find methods that will work for you.

Electric toothbrushes can help to give you whiter teeth. These toothbrushes can remove any strains that are on your teeth from particular foods, wine, and tobacco. Electric toothbrushes spin or vibrate at high speeds which helps loosen plaque and stains.

Lemon and lime juice, despite what people say, are not good ways to whiten your teeth. It is a good idea to avoid them entirely. Lemon and lime juice are full of acid, which can remove enamel, discolor your teeth, and even cause cavities!

Your dentist can tell you which kits whiten teeth best without damaging enamel or gums. Not all products are effective, and talking to your dentist is the best way to decide which one will work for you.

Eating fibrous vegetables and fruits will help whiten your teeth since these foods will naturally scrub your teeth. Be sure to brush or rinse after using these items to remove food particles and sugar. Take the time to chew these aliments to clean your teeth thoroughly. Do not chew the food in just one area since you want it to be chewed by as many teeth as possible.

Try to avoid beverages that can stain teeth if you want them to stay beautifully white. For example, cola, coffee and black tea are all culprits. If it is not possible for you to eliminate these beverages from your routine, try to drink water in between gulps.

Bear in mind that most home whitening products are only designed for your natural teeth. Artificial surfaces cannot be whitened through traditional whitening techniques. Dental alterations, such as fillings, crowns, implants, and veneers, are the kinds of things that will not be whitened. If you try this procedure and have these types of surfaces, you run the risk of having your natural surfaces white while everything else remains the same.

Stay away from cigarettes, coffee and dark tea. They can all lead to teeth stained a shade of dark brown. If you can't avoid tea or coffee, use a straw to drink it and keep your teeth covered with your lips. Also, brush immediately following drinking these beverages. The leading causes of ugly, discolored teeth are strongly colored beverages and tobacco.

Whitening gels are available to whiten your teeth. You can find these gels at most drug stores, and they cost next to nothing when compared to the price of a professional teeth whitening procedure. Although sometimes if your teeth have bad enough stains, a dentist may be your only option.

Your smile is the first thing others see, and you should work hard to be proud of it. Stained teeth can lead to you feeling self-conscious and not smiling much. If you use the advice from this article, you will get on track to achieving a whiter and brighter smile quickly.

For more information simply Google Cosmetic Dentistry.

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